FireAlpaca is a software for Windows that was developed by a company named FirePowders. The software is a simple tool that can be used for free, and the basic functions of the program can be found on the website. The software is available on many different versions of Windows. Many users have reported that the application is fairly easy to use. The website also allows users to download the application for free. Users can then install the software or use it on their computers as it is, as an adware or spyware program.
FireAlpaca is not the most well-known software, and the free download does not have the ability to make any changes or add-ons to the software. Users will have to buy the software and download the relevant add-ons for the software to function properly. Although the website claims that the software has been used by thousands of people, it may be that only a handful of these users have used the application in order to leave feedback on the website.